Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc - Rockville

14502 Myer Terrace Rockville Md 20853

ACTIVE Company Number: W13778428 Age: 14 years Domestic Llc

Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc Overview

Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc is a Domestic Llc from Rockville in Maryland, United States. The company is Active. Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc has the Maryland company number W13778428. It was incorporated 14 years ago on 4th October 2010.

You can find Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc main office at 14502 Myer Terrace, Rockville Md 20853. The agent of Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc is Ira Thomas Dorsey Ii, with registered office at 14502 Myer Terrace Rockville Md 20853.

Check other Stepping companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc

Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc

Register Information of Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc

Entity TitleStepping Stones Child Care, Llc
State IDW13778428
Business TypeDomestic Llc
State CodeEntities Other Than Corporations
Business ConditionActive
Stock StatusN/A
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date2010-10-04
Createdfourteen years, two months and twenty-six days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc

NameIra Thomas Dorsey Ii
Address14502 Myer Terrace Rockville Md 20853

Address and Map of Stepping Stones Child Care, Llc

14502 Myer Terrace, Rockville Md 20853

39° 5' 42.6" N | 77° 6' 22.7" W