Club Envy Llc
1818 Maryland Ave. Baltimore Md 21201
FORFEITED Company Number: W13845649 Age: 14 years Domestic LlcClub Envy Llc Overview
Club Envy Llc is a Domestic Llc from Baltimore in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Club Envy Llc has the Maryland company number W13845649. It was incorporated 14 years ago on 19th November 2010.You can find Club Envy Llc main office at 1818 Maryland Ave., Baltimore Md 21201. The agent of Club Envy Llc is Henry N. Baker 3Rd, with registered office at 618 Kahn Dr. Pikesville Md 21208.
Check other Club companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Club Envy Llc
Entity Title | Club Envy Llc |
State | MD |
State ID | W13845649 |
Business Type | Domestic Llc |
State Code | Entities Other Than Corporations |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | N/A |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 2010-11-19 |
Created | fourteen years, one month and ten days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Club Envy Llc
Name | Henry N. Baker 3Rd |
Address | 618 Kahn Dr. Pikesville Md 21208 |
Address of Club Envy Llc
1818 Maryland Ave., Baltimore Md 212012 companies at this address
39° 18' 36.9" N | 76° 37' 5.6" W
Map for Club Envy Llc
Other "club" companies
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10 South Calvert Street Baltimore Md 21202 - Club 101, Inc.
5126 Trumps Mill Road Baltimore Md 21206 - Club 100, Inc.
12201 Pleasant Prospect Mitchellville Md 20721 - Club 10 Llc
1816 Glendale Lane Bel Air Md 21015 - Club 12 Corporation
1026 E. Fort Avenue Baltimore Md 21230 - Club 11 Of Nigeria Incorporated (U.S.A. Chapter)
6128 84Th Avenue New Carrollton Md 20784 - Club 108, Incorporated
Rt. 108, Clarksville Road Howard County Md 00000 - Club 1519, Inc.
Triangle Towers Room 1519 4853 Cordell Avenue - Club 14, Ltd
Suite A4 889 Clopper Road Gaithersburg Md 20878-4430 - Club 1214, Inc.
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