Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc

Suite 211 5240 Babcock Street Palm Bay Fl 32905

DISSOLVED Company Number: Z14409221 Age: 13 years Foreign Llc

Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc Overview

Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc is a Foreign Llc from Palm Bay in Maryland, United States. The company is Dissolved. Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc has the Maryland company number Z14409221. It was incorporated 13 years ago on 19th October 2011.

You can find Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc main office at Suite 211, 5240 Babcock Street, Palm Bay Fl 32905. The agent of Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc is Matthew A. Egeli, Esq., with registered office at Suite 300 116 Defense Highway Annapolis Md 21401-8962.

Check other Kis companies in Maryland.

Register Information of Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc

Entity Title Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc
State FL
State ID Z14409221
Business Type Foreign Llc
State Code Entities Other Than Corporations
Business Condition Dissolved
Stock Status N/A
Close Status Unknown
Start Date 2011-10-19
Created thirteen years, two months and ten days ago
Good Standing This Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc

Name Matthew A. Egeli, Esq.
Address Suite 300 116 Defense Highway Annapolis Md 21401-8962

Address of Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc

Suite 211, 5240 Babcock Street, Palm Bay Fl 32905

28° 1' 6.8" N | 80° 37' 22.8" W

Map for Kis Pg Umbrella Programs, Llc A/K/A Klein Insurance Services, Llc

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