BEN L. IRVIN - Fulton

9465 LOVAT RD. FULTON MD 20759

BEN L. IRVIN Overview

BEN L. IRVIN is an agent or director registered in Fulton, Maryland. According to public records BEN L. IRVIN is connected with five companies . Companies were opened in three years and ten months range. Most recent company was formed thirty years ago in December of 1994 in Fulton, Maryland. All of the companies are inactive.

Check other BEN L. IRVIN from Maryland.

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Companies for BEN L. IRVIN

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
Mica Projects, Inc.Agent9465 Lovat Rd. Fulton Md 207591994-11-16Forfeited
Mayyo Consulting, Inc.Agent9465 Lovat Rd Fulton Md 207591994-01-10Forfeited
Irvin, Ellis & Diedring, P.C.Agent9465 Lovat Rd. Fulton Md 207591991-01-25Forfeited
Inoxtech, Inc.Agent9465 Lovat Rd Fulton Md 207591993-04-19Forfeited
Harley D, Inc.Agent9465 Lovat Rd Fulton Md 207591994-12-30Forfeited

Address for BEN L. IRVIN

9465 LOVAT RD.