CRAIG INGRAM is an agent or director registered in Oakland, Maryland. According to public records CRAIG INGRAM is connected with twenty-nine companies . Companies were opened in twenty-nine years and six months range. Most recent company was formed seventeen years ago in October of 2007 in Oakland, Maryland. Six of these companies are active and the remaing twenty-three are inactive.

Check other CRAIG INGRAM from Maryland.

Companies for CRAIG INGRAM

Company Name Title Company Address Incorporated Company Status
Lake Pointe Inn, Llc Agent 174 Lake Pointe Drive Mchenry Md 21541 1996-05-06 Active
Midway Plaza, Llc Agent 1610 Turkey Neck Road Swanton Md 21561 2004-03-01 Active
Miners & Merchants Bank Agent 13164 Garrett Highway Oakland Md 21550 2001-01-08 Incorporated
Mountain View Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Agent 315 Dawson Avenue Oakland Md 21550-1323 2001-08-28 Incorporated
Northglade Hills Property Owners Association, Inc. Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 2003-06-25 Incorporated
Nu Way Interiors Llc Agent 31 Commerce Drive Oakland Md 21550 1994-11-28 Active
Pinebreeze Development, Inc. Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 1986-05-14 Revived
Raileywood, Llc Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 2005-02-01 Forfeited
Wheeling-Deep Creek Group, Llc Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 2006-03-17 Active
West Marva District Church Of The Brethren, Inc. Agent 384 Dennett Road Oakland Md 21550 2001-04-13 Incorporated
Webmarkers, Inc. Agent 401 H. Street Mt. Lake Park Md 21550 1999-12-01 Forfeited
Town And Country Homes Of West Virginia, Inc. A/K/A Jrb Corp. Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 1997-05-23 Incorporated
Timbers On The Youghiogheny Property Owners Association, Inc. Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 1990-08-15 Incorporated
Three Bears, Llc Agent 322 E. Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 1999-10-25 Forfeited
The Terra Alta Bank Agent 1101 E. State Street Terra Alta Wv 26764 1998-03-23 Merged
Mbc-Tek Lake Properties, Llc Agent 104 Roman Nose Blvd. Oakland Md 21550 2003-09-02 Dissolved
Mbc Properties, Llc Agent 2077 Marsh Hill Road Mchenry Md 21541 2003-09-02 Forfeited
Mba Plastics, Inc. Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 1994-02-24 Forfeited
Kidcare, Llc Agent 13221 Garrett Highway Oakland Md 21550 1997-12-15 Dissolved
J S Association Management Services, Llc Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 2006-06-14 Forfeited
Grace Reformed Church, Inc. Agent 89 Pleasant Hill Drive Oakland Md 21550 1997-07-07 Incorporated
Garrett Surgical Group, P.A. Agent 255 North Fourth Street Oakland Md 21550 1978-04-04 Incorporated
Garrett Medical Center, Llc Agent 311 N. Fourth Street Oakland Md 21550 2006-06-09 Active
Donut Connection, Inc. Agent 15241 Garrett Highway Oakland Md 21550 1998-06-01 Forfeited
Cleecharlie, Llc Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 2006-08-25 Revived
Cabin Field, Llc Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 2007-10-16 Active
The Cabin, Llc Agent 399 Gobler Run Road Oakland Md 21550 1997-03-24 Revived
Anna/Breaker, Breaker Limited Partnership Agent 211 N. 12Th Street P. O. Box 492 Oakland Md 21550 1989-04-13 Forfeited
Advanced Building Development, Inc. Agent 322 Alder Street Oakland Md 21550 2000-02-07 Incorporated

Address for CRAIG INGRAM