DAVID S. OSTROW - Randallstown



DAVID S. OSTROW is an agent or director registered in Randallstown, Maryland. According to public records DAVID S. OSTROW is connected with twenty-three companies . Companies were opened in ten years and seven months range. Most recent company was formed thirty years ago in August of 1994 in Westminster, Maryland. One of these companies is active and the remaing twenty-two are inactive.

Check other DAVID S. OSTROW from Maryland.

Companies for DAVID S. OSTROW

Company Name Title Company Address Incorporated Company Status
Hls Construction, Inc. Agent 2808 Grasty Woods Lane (Baltimore County) Baltimore Md 21208 1990-07-13 Forfeited
Laser Pro Of Maryland, Inc. Agent 619 Milford Mill Road (Baltimore County) Baltimore Md 21208 1992-06-30 Forfeited
Links Travel, Inc. Agent 9948 Liberty Road Randallstown Md 21133 1993-03-05 Forfeited
Microcomputer Consultants, Inc. Agent 100 Park Avenue Baltimore Md 21201 1988-11-25 Forfeited
No Sweat, Inc. Agent 3 Alcan Court (Baltimore County) Towson Md 21204 1990-05-29 Forfeited
Paul D. Rill, Inc. Agent 218 Dutrow Rd. Westminster Md 21157 1994-08-01 Incorporated
Rpa Research, Investigations & Collections, Llc Agent 5506 Carville Avenue Baltimore Md 21227 1994-03-07 Forfeited
Wilson/Woodbury Corporation, Inc. Agent 1720 Hampstead Mexico Road Carroll County Westminster Md 21157 1992-08-12 Forfeited
Woodhaven Institutional Corporation Agent 2318 East Joppa Road Baltimore Md 21234 1992-12-28 Forfeited
United Management Company, Inc. Agent 9948 Liberty Road Randallstown Md 21133 1989-01-13 Forfeited
Skyline Marketing Group, Ltd. Agent 9868 Liberty Road, Suite 202 Randallstown Md 21133 1989-08-22 Forfeited
Shirley'S Restaurant And Bar, Inc. Agent 5014 Curtis Ave. Baltimore Md 21226 1989-05-19 Forfeited
Samuel & Company, Inc. Agent 9868 Liberty Road Suite 202 Randallstown Md 21133 1983-12-12 Forfeited
Mason Dixon Construction, Llc Agent 1920 Parsonage Road Baltimore County Parkton Md 21120 1992-10-26 Forfeited
John Anderson And Associates, Inc. Agent 5613 High Tor Hill Columbia Md 21045 1989-01-13 Incorporated
Impressions Hair Studio, Llc. Agent 8733 Lisa Lane Baltimore County Randallstown Md 21133 1993-01-18 Active
E. G. Enterprises, Inc. Agent 4701 Pennington Avenue Baltimore City Md 21226 1992-07-17 Forfeited
Cpamd, Inc. Agent 2 E. Rolling Crossroads Baltimore Md 21228 1989-11-30 Forfeited
Baltimore Riverside Properties, Inc. Agent 121 Old Riverside Rd Baltimore Md 21225 1989-02-13 Merged
Automation Sales, Service & Training, Inc. Agent 2 E. Rolling Crossroads Baltimore Md 21228 1990-03-14 Forfeited
A Second Glance, Inc. Agent 4377 Bartholow Road Sykesville Md 21784 1992-03-25 Incorporated
All-Pro Towing, Inc. Agent 847 Streaker Road Sykesville Md 21784 1989-06-14 Forfeited
Allen Engineering, P.C. Agent 10310 Cromwell Court (Howard County) Ellicott City Md 21043 1990-09-13 Forfeited

Address for DAVID S. OSTROW