JR. JOHN G. DANZ - Baltimore

606 BALTIMORE AVE., STE. 306 TOWSON MD 21204-4026

JR. JOHN G. DANZ Overview

JR. JOHN G. DANZ is an agent or director registered in Baltimore, Maryland. According to public records JR. JOHN G. DANZ is connected with five companies . Companies were opened in three months range. Most recent company was formed thirty-three years ago in December of 1991 in Towson, Maryland. All of the companies are inactive.

Check other JR. JOHN G. DANZ from Maryland.

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Companies for JR. JOHN G. DANZ

Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
Investment Management Systems & Technology, Inc.Agent606 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 300 Towson Md 212041991-09-10Forfeited
Oxford Capital Management International, Inc.Agent649 Sussex Rd. Towson Md 212041991-09-10Forfeited
Oxford Capital Management West, Inc.Agent649 Sussex Rd. Towson Md 212041991-09-10Forfeited
Wealth Planning & Management, Inc.Agent606 Baltimore Avenue, Ste. 300 Towson Md 212041991-09-10Forfeited
Security Services, Inc.Agent649 Sussex Rd. Towson Md 212041991-12-12Forfeited

Address for JR. JOHN G. DANZ

STE. 306
TOWSON MD 21204-4026