JOHN P. ROTH - Rockville


JOHN P. ROTH Overview

JOHN P. ROTH is an agent or director registered in Rockville, Maryland. According to public records JOHN P. ROTH is connected with twenty-one companies . Companies were opened in sixteen years and four months range. Most recent company was formed twenty years ago in April of 2004 in Rockville, Maryland. All of the companies are inactive.

Check other JOHN P. ROTH from Maryland.

Companies for JOHN P. ROTH

Company Name Title Company Address Incorporated Company Status
Home Improvement Solutions Incorporated Agent 10721 Seneca Spring Way Gaithersburg Md 20879 1995-02-24 Forfeited
King Farm Home Improvement, Inc. Agent 10600 Shasta Court Damascus Md 20872 2000-05-23 Forfeited
Minuteman Exterminating And Pest Management, Inc. Agent 6909 Fox Chase Road (Frederick County) Mt. Airy Md 21771 1992-04-15 Forfeited
Operations Support Group, Inc. Agent 19620 Hoover Farm Drive Gaithersburg Md 20882 2000-12-07 Forfeited
P & P Select, Inc. Agent 19605 Kilcreggan Way Gaithersburg Md 20879 1995-06-22 Forfeited
Rolin, Inc. Agent 17601 Parkridge Drive Gaithersburg Md 20878 1994-03-11 Forfeited
Vance Communications, Inc. Agent 9906 Boysenberry Way, Ste 115 Gaithersburg Md 20879 1995-07-14 Forfeited
U Big Chick'N, Inc. Agent 107 West Jefferson Street Rockville Md 20850 1996-02-02 Forfeited
Troisarc Foods Incorporated Agent 11901 Maple Avenue, Bldg. D Rockville Md 20852 1992-05-13 Forfeited
T.L.C. Design Group, Inc. Agent 11228 Georgia Ave Suite 6 Silver Springs Md 20902 1998-03-23 Forfeited
On-Line Brands.Com, Inc. Agent 129 South Van Buren Street Rockville Md 20850 2004-04-28 Forfeited
Labor Services, Inc. Agent 19340 Germantown Road Germantown Md 20874 1987-12-10 Forfeited
Innovative Remodeling, Inc. Agent 10111 Colesville Road Suite 117 Silver Spring Md 20906 1994-09-16 Forfeited
Gerald Crown Construction, Incorporated Agent 309 Buttry Road Gaithersburg Md 20877 1995-03-16 Forfeited
Electro Line Usa, Inc. Agent 10600 Shasta Court Damascus Md 20872 2000-07-13 Forfeited
Eats Ready, Inc. Agent 107 West Jefferson Street Rockville Md 20850 1992-05-15 Forfeited
Eats Ready Ii, Inc. Agent 107 West Jefferson Street Rockville Md 20850 1992-06-03 Forfeited
Contact Your Eyes, Inc. Agent 1776 East Jefferson Street Rockville Md 20850 1995-06-29 Forfeited
Ben'S Home Improvement, Inc. Agent 6513 Waving Tree Court Columbia Md 21044 2003-11-10 Forfeited
Barson Diversified Industries, Inc. Agent 19340 Germantown Road Germantown Md 20875 1993-03-03 Forfeited
Appleby'S Antiques, Inc. Agent Appleby'S Antiques, Inc. 24219 Ridge Road Damascus Md 20872 2000-07-12 Incorporated

Address for JOHN P. ROTH