KIMM MASSEY - Annapolis
#202-226 15480 ANNAPOLIS RD BOWIE MD 20715
KIMM MASSEY is an agent or director registered in Annapolis, Maryland. According to public records KIMM MASSEY is connected with one company - Jk Alchemy, Llc . This company was incorporated about twelve years ago in December of 2012 in Upper Marlboro. The company is listed as Forfeited in Maryland companies records.Check other KIMM MASSEY from Maryland.
Companies for KIMM MASSEY
Company Name | Title | Company Address | Incorporated | Company Status |
Jk Alchemy, Llc | Agent | Suite 301 9701 Apollo Drive Largo Md 20774 | 2012-12-17 | Forfeited |
Address for KIMM MASSEY
#202-22615480 ANNAPOLIS RD
BOWIE MD 20715
Kimm Massey
#202-226 15480 ANNAPOLIS ROAD BOWIE MD 20715 -
Kimm Massey
STE 701 6305 IVY LN GREENBELT MD 20770