PRENTICE HALL CORPORATION is an agent or director registered in Baltimore, Maryland. According to public records PRENTICE HALL CORPORATION is connected with one hundred companies . Companies were opened in twenty-two years and three months range. Most recent company was formed thirty-one years ago in December of 1993 in Lauderdale Lakes, Maryland. All of the companies are inactive.

Check other PRENTICE HALL CORPORATION from Maryland.

Connections Visualisation for PRENTICE HALL CORPORATION



Company NameTitleCompany AddressIncorporatedCompany Status
Bowie Mall Ii, Inc.Agent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-11-15Dissolved
B-Side CorporationAgent245 Perimeter Ctr Pkwy Atlanta Ga 303461993-09-21Dissolved
B-Side Carriers Limited PartnershipAgent1209 Orange St Wilmington De 198011993-09-21Dissolved
Consolidated Mortgage And Financial Services CorporationAgent1901 N Harrison Ave Cary Nc 257131993-10-08Forfeited
Corporate Property Consultants, Inc.Agent3 Landmark Square Ste 402 Stamford Ct 069011993-10-12Forfeited
Data General CorporationAgentRoute No. 9 Southboro Ma 017721971-09-07Forfeited
Data Imaging Services, Inc.Agent3500 N State Rd 7 Ste 333 Fort Lauderdale Fl 222191993-12-06Forfeited
Digivision, Inc.Agent1552 Hertel Ave Buffalo Ny 142161993-07-29Forfeited
Eastern Cable Networks Of Washington, Inc.AgentSte 12 95 Morgan St Stamford Ct 069051993-11-12Forfeited
The Enviro Group, Inc.Agent10303 Lloyd Rd Potomac Md 208541993-09-29Forfeited
Fed Funding Mortgage CorporationAgent14436 Stonebridge View Dr North Potomac Md 208781993-10-22Forfeited
Global Wats One, Inc.Agent5731 Lyons View Dr Knoxville Tn 379191993-11-22Forfeited
Hhl Of America, Inc.Agent600 Northern Blvd Great Neck Ny 110211993-11-04Dissolved
Host Marriott Gtn CorporationAgent10400 Fernwood Rd Dept 862 Bethesda Md 208171993-07-22Merged
Kelsey National CorporationAgent3030 S Bundy Dr Los Angeles Ca 900661993-11-08Forfeited
Kemper Management Services, Inc.Agent119 Oakwood Dr Glastonbury Ct 060331993-08-25Forfeited
Keystone Telecommunications, Inc.Agent2690 Commerce Dr Harrisburg Pa 171101993-08-25Dissolved
Liberty Broadcasting Of Maryland Ii IncorporatedAgent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-10-01Merged
Litton Industrial Services, Inc.Agent2640 Crescent Springs Road Erlanger Ky 410171983-03-28Dissolved
Md Residential, Inc.Agent8401 Colesville Road Silver Spring Md 209101993-03-11Merged
Merrill Lynch Utility Income Fund, Inc.Agent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-07-14Dissolved
Metropolitan Podiatric Consortium, LimitedAgent104 A E Broad St Falls Church Va 220461993-06-22Forfeited
National Accounts Inc.Agent119 Cherry Hill Rd Parsippany Nj 070541993-09-27Forfeited
National Golf Properties, Inc.Agent2828 Donald Douglas Loop N Santa Monica Ca 904051993-07-14Dissolved
National Health Realty CorporationAgent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-10-15Forfeited
Ncm International, Inc.Agent3000 Malmo Dr Arlington Heights Il 600051993-12-01Forfeited
Norstan Financial Services, Inc.Agent6900 Wedgwood Rd Ste 150 Maple Grove Mn 553111993-09-27Forfeited
North American Capital CorporationAgent45 Oak St Buffalo Ny 142031993-09-22Forfeited
The Northstar Group, Inc.Agent34 East Putnam Avenue, Suite 109 Greenwich Ct 068301993-07-29Forfeited
Oyate Internations Development CorporationAgent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-10-27Forfeited
Pcc Management Corp.Agent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-08-02Forfeited
Pencom Systems IncorporatedAgent150 Broadway Ste 600 New York Ny 100381993-09-21Forfeited
The Personnel Department, Inc.Agent3803 N Fairfax Dr Ste B10 Arlington Va 222031993-07-15Forfeited
Pest Management Systems, Inc.Agent24 Summit Rd Hingham Ma 020431993-11-04Forfeited
Petrolane IncorporatedAgent1600 E. Hill Street Long Beach Ca 908061987-03-23Merged
Pharmacists:Prn, Inc.Agent44 Wycliffe Rd East Walpole Ma 020321993-11-03Dissolved
Ramci Universal CorporationAgent1200 G St Nw Ste 800 Washington Dc 200051993-10-07Forfeited
Rockville Pike, Inc.Agent11611 Old Georgetown Rd Ste 200 Rockville Md 208521993-10-13Forfeited
Routing Systems IncorporatedAgent1330 New Hampshire Ave Nw 425 Washington Dc 200361993-06-28Forfeited
Skm CorporationAgent11100 W Broad St Glen Allen Va 230601993-09-28Forfeited
Tri Travel Network Inc.Agent745 E Market St Harrisonburg Va 228011993-09-14Forfeited
Venture Falcon Corp.Agent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-06-25Forfeited
Vwr CorporationAgentRose Tree Corporate Center 1400 N. Providence Rd. Suite 1001988-12-27Merged
Winchester Mortgage Company, Inc.Agent839 Fox Dr Winchester Va 226031993-10-29Forfeited
Wtp-Dc Associates Ii Limited PartnershipAgent1055 Lenox Park Blvd 420 Atlanta Ga 303191993-07-26Forfeited
20251 Century Associates, LlcAgent20251 Century Blvd Germantown Md 208741993-07-13Forfeited
998 Monroe CorporationAgent535 Chicago Ave Chicago Il 606711993-06-28Merged
Zvi Construction Co., Inc.Agent930 Commonwealth Ave S Boston Ma 022151993-07-26Forfeited
W.J. Schafer Associates, Inc.Agent2 Pennsylvania Plaza New York Ny 101211993-10-12Dissolved
The Winthrop Real Property TrustAgent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-10-19Dissolved
The Winthrop Organization, Limited PartnershipAgent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-10-21Dissolved
The Wilderness SocietyAgent900 17Th St Nw Washington Dc 200061993-06-15Forfeited
Watson Bowman Acme Corp.Agent11 East Chase Street, Suite 9-E Baltimore Md 212021990-12-24Forfeited
Twelfth Street Realty CorporationAgent1212 Market St. Philadelphia Pa 191071992-10-15Forfeited
Tsi Bethesda, Inc.Agent888 7Th Ave Ste 1801 New York Ny 101061993-07-16Forfeited
Tr Mcgaw Court Corp.Agent1530 Wilson Blvd 200 Arlington Va 222091993-11-01Forfeited
The Travel Group, Inc.Agent4929 W Royal Ln Irving Tx 750631993-11-05Forfeited
Transworld Mortgage CorporationAgent2425 West Loop South, Ste. 958 Houston Tx 770271990-12-21Forfeited
Total Telecommunications IncorporatedAgent11 East Chase Street Baltimore Md 212021993-07-27Merged
Tire Service Company, Inc.Agent500 S Gravers Rd Plymouth Meeting Pa 194621993-07-13Forfeited
Timberland Investment Group, Inc.AgentPo Box 4148 Mail Code 201 Atlanta Ga 303021993-10-19Dissolved
Teledyne Systems Company, Inc.Agent1901 Avenue Of The Stars, Suite 1800 Los Angeles Ca 900671990-04-09Dissolved
T. Davis Inc.Agent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-06-16Forfeited
Tcw Realty Maryland #6 Limited PartnershipAgent3500 Ltv Center, 2001 Ross Avenue Dallas Tx 752011986-03-10Forfeited
Tcw Realty Maryland #2 Limited PartnershipAgentC/O Tcw Realty Advisors 865 South Fiqueroa, Ste. 3500 Los Angeles Ca 900171985-03-04Forfeited
Tcw Realty Maryland #3 Limited PartnershipAgentC/O Tcw Realty Advisors 865 S. Figueroa, Ste. 3500 Los Angeles Ca 900171985-06-28Forfeited
Tabb Textiles Co., Inc.Agent511 Pleasant Dr Opelika Al 368011993-08-20Forfeited
Southern Heritage CorporationAgent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-10-06Merged
Solvay Polymers, Inc.Agent3333 Richmond Ave. Houston Tx 770981979-02-26Dissolved
Solvay Minerals, Inc.AgentP. O. Box 27F Lakewood Co 802271987-05-18Merged
Sergi Construction, Inc.Agent74 Insbrook Ct East Amherst Ny 140511993-10-26Forfeited
Sentinel Security Plans, Inc.Agent1929 Allen Pkwy Houston Tx 770191993-11-26Forfeited
Seaboard Finance CompanyAgent3349 Michelson Dr Irvine Ca 927151993-11-08Merged
Pacific Southwest Development, Inc.Agent9602 Venice Blvd Culver City Ca 902321993-11-12Forfeited
Old Georgetown Road, Inc.Agent11611 Old Georgetown Rd Ste 200 Rockville Md 208521993-10-13Forfeited
Marriott Sls Investments 10, Inc.Agent10400 Fernwood Rd Dept 862 Bethesda Md 208171993-08-16Forfeited
Kullman Industries, Inc.Agent381 Blair Rd Po Box 299 Avenel Nj 07001-22911993-09-27Forfeited
Jlw Building Services, Inc.Agent1 Battery Park Plaza New York Ny 100041993-08-26Forfeited
Iverson Plaza, Inc.Agent11611 Old Georgetown Rd Ste 200 Rockville Md 208521993-10-13Forfeited
Isostent, Inc.Agent14600 Viburnum Dr Dayton Md 210361993-11-10Forfeited
Ir-North Corp.Agent10 Union Sq East New York Ny 100031993-08-26Forfeited
Interasset Group, Inc.Agent1099 18Th St Ste 930 Denver Co 802021993-08-04Dissolved
Information America, Inc.Agent600 W. Peachtree Street, N.W. Suite 1200 Atlanta Ga 303081989-06-30Merged
In-Flight Phone CorporationAgent1 Tower Ln Oak Brook Terrace Il 601811993-09-30Forfeited
Indigo Me, Inc.Agent32 24 Hunters Point Ave Long Island City Ny 111011993-11-02Forfeited
Immad Broadcast Services Inc.Agent14440 Cherry Ln Ct Ste 201 Laurel Md 207071993-07-13Forfeited
Hmc Westport CorporationAgent6903 Rockledge Dr Bethesda Md 208171993-10-12Dissolved
Harrison Conference Services Of Maryland, Inc.Agent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-11-02Forfeited
Hard Times Enterprises, Inc.Agent310 Commerce St Alexandria Va 223141993-07-01Merged
The Guardian Force Limited Partnership A/K/A The Guardian Force, A Limited PartnershipAgentFirst Winthrop Corp. One International Pl Boston Ma 021101993-11-01Dissolved
Grove Engineering, Inc.Agent3315 Old Forest Rd Lynchburg Va 245011993-07-12Merged
Group Management Services, Inc.Agent3400 188Th St Sw Ste 218 Lynnwood Wa 980371993-10-12Forfeited
Great Falls Chase Limited PartnershipAgentMark G Levin Ste 200 99 Commerce Pl Upper Marlboro Md 207721993-11-24Forfeited
Gilmor Trading Corp.Agent2190 E 11 Ave Hialeah Fl 330131993-11-12Forfeited
G & G Shops Of Maryland, Inc.Agent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021979-08-24Forfeited
Freecom Communications, Inc.Agent2450 E Fort Union Blvd Salt Lake City Ut 841211993-10-20Forfeited
The Forgotten Woman Of Washington, D.C., Ltd.Agent34 24 Hunters Point Ave Long Island City Ny 111011993-09-28Forfeited
Florida Residential Properties, Inc.Agent11 E Chase St Baltimore Md 212021993-11-23Forfeited
First American Properties Of Maryland, Inc.Agent8401 Colesville Rd. Silver Spring Md 209101991-07-02Dissolved
First American Bank Of MarylandAgent8401 Colesville Road Silver Spring Md 209101977-03-21Forfeited