ROB BOSTICK - Baltimore



ROB BOSTICK is an agent or director registered in Baltimore, Maryland. According to public records ROB BOSTICK is connected with twenty-five companies . Companies were opened in five months range. Most recent company was formed eighteen years ago in January of 2006 in Baltimore, Maryland. All of the companies are inactive.

Check other ROB BOSTICK from Maryland.

Companies for ROB BOSTICK

Company Name Title Company Address Incorporated Company Status
5119 Ardmore Way Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-12-01 Forfeited
4354 Nicholas Ave. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-10-17 Forfeited
4045 W. Coldspring Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-08-02 Forfeited
3720 Howard Park Ave. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-08-23 Forfeited
2700 East Chase St. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-10-17 Forfeited
2644 Lauretta Ave. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-11-07 Forfeited
2602 Oswego Ave. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-11-07 Forfeited
2433 Jefferson Street Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2006-01-30 Forfeited
2431 Jefferson Street Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2006-01-30 Forfeited
2429 Jefferson Street Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2006-01-30 Forfeited
2425 E. Lanvale St. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-10-17 Forfeited
1901 Ruxton Avenue Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-12-01 Forfeited
1419 Northgate Rd. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-10-17 Forfeited
1318 Sargeant St. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-08-23 Forfeited
1101 Woodbourne Ave. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-10-17 Forfeited
971 St. Agnes Lane Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-10-17 Forfeited
944 N. Hill Road Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-11-07 Forfeited
833 N. Washington St. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-08-23 Forfeited
739 N. Chester St. Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-10-03 Forfeited
733 N. Chester Street Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-11-07 Forfeited
500 N. Mont Ford Avenue Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-08-23 Forfeited
420 N. Glover Street Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2006-01-30 Forfeited
413 N. Chester Street Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-08-23 Forfeited
204 N. Monastery Avenue Land Trust, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-12-01 Forfeited
Win Win Educational Services, Llc Agent Suite 200 2401 N. Hilton St. Baltimore Md 21216 2005-08-23 Forfeited

Address for ROB BOSTICK

2401 N. HILTON ST.