ROGER HEWITT - Baltimore



ROGER HEWITT is an agent or director registered in Baltimore, Maryland. According to public records ROGER HEWITT is connected with twenty-three companies . Companies were opened in twenty-five years and six months range. Most recent company was formed ten years ago in October of 2014 in Baltimore, Maryland. One of these companies is active and the remaing twenty-two are inactive.

Check other ROGER HEWITT from Maryland.

Companies for ROGER HEWITT

Company Name Title Company Address Incorporated Company Status
R & H Building Supplies, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 2009-04-22 Incorporated
3233 Presstman, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd. Baltimore Md 21230 2013-02-27 Incorporated
3124 Presstman, Llc Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 2014-10-21 Active
3239 Presstman, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 1994-06-29 Forfeited
2808 Mulberry Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd. Baltimore Md 21230 2000-12-21 Forfeited
2808 Mulberry Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 2009-02-23 Incorporated
2554 Mccullon, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 1994-06-29 Forfeited
2018 Mchenry Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 2009-03-04 Incorporated
2018 Mchenry, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 1994-05-25 Forfeited
2004 E. 30Th Inc Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 2009-02-23 Incorporated
2004 East 30Th, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd. Baltimore Md 21230 1998-04-16 Forfeited
1952-1954 West Pratt, Llc Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 2000-12-19 Forfeited
1652 North Monroe Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 1999-02-17 Forfeited
1602 North Monroe, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 1995-01-10 Forfeited
1156 Cleveland, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 1994-05-25 Forfeited
700 K Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 2001-01-05 Forfeited
213 S. Pulaski Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 2009-02-23 Incorporated
213 South Pulaski, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd Baltimore Md 21230 1994-05-25 Forfeited
Hewitt Contracting Company, Llc Agent 811 Washington Blvd. Baltimore Md 21230 2001-10-01 Forfeited
Hewitt Contractors, Inc. Agent 811 Washington Blvd. Baltimore Md 21230 1995-01-10 Forfeited
Garrison 2866 Llc Agent 811 Washington Blvd. Baltimore Md 21230 2001-05-16 Forfeited
East Coast Incorporated Agent 811 Washington Blvd. Baltimore Md 21230 1989-04-10 Forfeited
Beaufort 5005 Llc Agent 811 Washington Blvd. Baltimore Md 21230 2001-03-12 Forfeited

Address for ROGER HEWITT