THE CORPORATION TRUST INCORPORATED is an agent or director registered in Street, Maryland. According to public records THE CORPORATION TRUST INCORPORATED is connected with one hundred companies . Companies were opened in sixty years and five months range. Most recent company was formed thirty-eight years ago in June of 1986 in Baltimore, Maryland. All of the companies are inactive.



Company Name Title Company Address Incorporated Company Status
Black Building Blocks, Master Planners Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-08-05 Forfeited
Hampton Roads Welders Supply Company, Incorporated Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1986-05-02 Merged
Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb Incorporated Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1970-10-27 Merged
Liberty Loan Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1959-05-07 Merged
Life Insurance Investors, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1954-12-03 Forfeited
Liquid Capital Income, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1974-09-23 Dissolved
Litho Carton & Container, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1971-04-16 Merged
Livingston Manor, Inc., No. 2 Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1943-03-10 Dissolved
Lord Bibb Of Maryland, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-02-14 Merged
Louisiana Land Offshore Exploration Company, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1976-04-01 Merged
Lutheran Brotherhood Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1966-11-22 Dissolved
Lutheran Brotherhood Municipal Bond Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1976-08-23 Dissolved
Mcclain Airlines, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-04-11 Merged
Mcfc, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1937-02-16 Dissolved
Medlantic Medical Management, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto Md 21202 1984-09-17 Merged
Mki Investments, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1980-11-20 Dissolved
Mml Equity Investment Company, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1971-07-28 Dissolved
News World Communications, Inc. Agent 3600 New York Avenue N.E. Washington Dc 20002 1983-11-07 Forfeited
Newton Growth Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1960-05-09 Dissolved
Newton Income Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1969-11-03 Dissolved
Newton Tax-Free Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1984-09-10 Dissolved
Ni Industries, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1982-01-04 Dissolved
North American Petroleum Company, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto Md 21202 1981-04-20 Dissolved
Nuveen Cash Reserves, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1982-07-06 Dissolved
The Otc-100 Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1984-11-13 Dissolved
Pilgrim Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1964-04-06 Dissolved
Pjd, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1956-01-05 Forfeited
Precision Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1979-06-01 Forfeited
Prudential-Bache Corporate Dividend Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-07-15 Dissolved
Pryor Corporation Agent 899 Skokie Blvd. Northbrook Il 60062 1969-09-05 Forfeited
Raintree Roofing, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1984-05-25 Merged
Reit Sub, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1986-03-26 Merged
Republic Portfolio Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1978-12-12 Merged
Retirement Centers Of America, Inc. Agent P.O. Box 100 Lee'S Summit Mo 64063 1981-05-04 Forfeited
Revere Research, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1980-04-14 Forfeited
Rnc Corporate Cash Management Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1985-12-19 Dissolved
Rnc Income Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1985-04-09 Dissolved
Rockville Resources, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1984-01-17 Forfeited
The Rokaand Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1985-09-06 Forfeited
Rossi Capital Holdings Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto., Md 21202 1981-03-17 Forfeited
Soletanche Development Corporation, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1982-05-10 Merged
Sull-Ler Enterprises, Ltd. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-12-27 Forfeited
Tmt Corp. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1986-06-04 Dissolved
Wtbo-Wkgo Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1977-08-01 Merged
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1980-11-24 Dissolved
Zav Electrical Contractors, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1984-08-16 Forfeited
Xponet, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-09-21 Forfeited
Walnut Equipment Leasing Co., Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1978-07-18 Forfeited
Virginia-Kentucky Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1971-03-24 Forfeited
Valic Capital Accumulation Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1982-03-16 Merged
Uslife Credit Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1969-03-05 Dissolved
Unitech Consultants, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1980-04-15 Forfeited
Unicorp Realty Investors, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1979-09-25 Merged
Turner Bullet Express, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1986-03-18 Forfeited
Travelers Equities Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1968-01-30 Dissolved
Tidal Creek Farm, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1985-06-06 Forfeited
Tenneco Asset Planning Company Agent P.O. Box 2511 Houston, Tx 77001 1984-04-06 Dissolved
Tele-Aim, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1981-09-18 Forfeited
Symbolics, Inc. Agent Eleven Cambridge Center Cambridge Ma 02142 1986-03-03 Forfeited
The Subsidiary Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1984-05-25 Dissolved
Sparhawk Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1986-06-30 Forfeited
Southmark Maryland, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1984-10-26 Merged
Smith Barney Daily Dividend Fund Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1979-03-16 Forfeited
Slh High Yield Fund Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1979-12-26 Dissolved
Shun Lee Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1982-02-23 Forfeited
Shearson/American Express Variable Annuity Growth Fund Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1982-01-13 Forfeited
Sharon Tax Exempt Money Market Fund, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1985-01-11 Dissolved
Servomation Mathias Food Service, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1974-10-02 Merged
Sealtest, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1928-08-29 Dissolved
Schlumberger Well Surveying Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1966-05-09 Dissolved
Pargas, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1946-01-02 Merged
One-O-One Enterprises, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1969-01-17 Forfeited
Olympus Institutional Investments, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1985-01-30 Merged
Marietta Equipment, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1969-01-29 Merged
Madison Warehouse Corporation Of Maryland Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1980-12-29 Merged
Maclean-Grove & Company, Incorporated Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1958-01-17 Forfeited
K-M Properties Of Maryland, No. 1, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1975-04-16 Merged
K-M Properties Of Maryland, No. 2, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1975-04-16 Merged
Km Holding Company Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1985-01-03 Merged
King-Size Knapp, Incorporated Of Maryland Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1964-12-30 Merged
Kiat, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-08-08 Merged
John Hancock Income Securities Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1972-10-20 Forfeited
Hmrhc, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1982-06-22 Forfeited
Gusto Beverages, Incorporated Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1976-04-06 Forfeited
Growth Industry Shares, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1949-07-28 Dissolved
Greenbelt, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1982-01-04 Forfeited
The Government Service Corporation Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1971-02-10 Merged
Government Liquid Reserves, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1982-02-16 Forfeited
Glaxo, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1977-06-14 Merged
F M Slye, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-08-19 Dissolved
F M Rockledge, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-08-19 Dissolved
First Attransco Tanker Corp. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1980-02-11 Merged
Edmondson-May Properties, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1952-04-16 Merged
D. P. Paul Jewelry Co. Of Maryland, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1978-09-01 Merged
D. P. Paul Jewelry Co. Of Maryland, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1978-09-01 Merged
Crystal Oil Company Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1926-02-03 Merged
Cc&F Fairfax Properties, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-10-07 Merged
C C & F Baltimore, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1983-03-07 Merged
Cambridge Automotive, Inc. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1958-02-27 Merged
Bryan Marketing Corp. Agent The Corporation Trust Incorporated 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 1978-05-04 Forfeited


BALTO. MD 21202