4537 companies in Maryland

List of 4537 business located in Maryland. We have found 3 companies.

4537 Harford Lauraville, Llc

Status: Forfeited ID: W05624762

Company address is 6616 Bushey Street Baltimore Md 21224
It was formed in January 2000.
4537 Harford Lauraville, Llc is active on the market for 24 years, 11 months and 15 days
This company registered agent is Sharon Humphrey.

4537 Harford Road Wilson'S, Llc

Status: Revived ID: W05629969

Company address is 4537 Harford Road Baltimore Md 21214
It was formed in January 2000.
4537 Harford Road Wilson'S, Llc is active on the market for 24 years, 11 months and 12 days
This company registered agent is James Hibler.

4537 Harford Rd., Inc.

Status: Forfeited ID: D04454294

Company address is 4537 Harford Rd. Baltimore Md 21214
It was formed in July 1996.
4537 Harford Rd., Inc. is active on the market for 28 years, 5 months and 17 days
This company registered agent is James R. Hibler.