4851 companies in Maryland
List of 4851 business located in Maryland. We have found 2 companies.
4851 Rugby Avenue, L.L.C.
Status: Forfeited ID: W04905006
Company address is Ste 1000
5530 Wisconsin Ave
Chevy Chase Md 20815
It was formed in
February 1998.
4851 Rugby Avenue, L.L.C. is active on the market for 26 years, 10 months and 20 days
This company registered agent is Douglas M. Bregman.
4851 Stamp Road, L.L.C.
Status: Active ID: W03553781
Company address is 7841 Devilbiss Bridge Road
Frederick Md 21701
It was formed in
December 1992.
4851 Stamp Road, L.L.C. is active on the market for 32 years, 24 days
This company registered agent is Diana B. Powell-Fritz.