Demartino companies in Maryland

List of Demartino business located in Maryland. We have found 3 companies.

Demartino Real Estate Llc

Status: Dissolved ID: W13626627

Company address is 4315 Soth Avenue Nottingham Md 21236
It was formed in June 2010.
Demartino Real Estate Llc is active on the market for 14 years, 6 months and 5 days
This company registered agent is L. Stephen Hess, Esquire.

Demartino Hair Salon, Inc.

Status: Forfeited ID: D06561088

Company address is 7221 Harford Road Baltimore Md 21234
It was formed in December 2001.
Demartino Hair Salon, Inc. is active on the market for 23 years, 23 days
This company registered agent is Maria Carmela Demartino.

Demartino Construction Company, Inc.

Status: Forfeited ID: F07770126

Company address is Csc-Lawyers Incorporating Service Compan 11 E. Chase St. Baltimore Md 21202-2516
It was formed in January 2004.
Demartino Construction Company, Inc. is active on the market for 20 years, 10 months and 23 days
This company registered agent is Csc-Lawyers Incorporating Service Compan.