Rendon companies in Maryland

List of Rendon business located in Maryland. We have found 2 companies.

Rendon/Hale P.A.

Status: Forfeited ID: D02098077

Company address is Richard Rendon 9013 Annapolis Road Lanham Md 20706
It was formed in March 1986.
Rendon/Hale P.A. is active on the market for 38 years, 9 months and 25 days
This company registered agent is Richard Rendon.

Rendon-Bailey Funeral Home, P.A.

Status: Dissolved ID: D10063402

Company address is 2818 East Baltimore Street Baltimore Md 21224
It was formed in June 2004.
Rendon-Bailey Funeral Home, P.A. is active on the market for 20 years, 6 months and 16 days
This company registered agent is Mark E. Bailey.