Rodrigues companies in Maryland
List of Rodrigues business located in Maryland. We have found 5 companies.
Rodrigues Remodeling Llc
Status: Active ID: W14117568
Company address is 12912 Bluhill Rd
Silver Spring Md 20906
It was formed in
May 2011.
Rodrigues Remodeling Llc is active on the market for 13 years, 7 months and 13 days
This company registered agent is Nei Luiz Rodrigues.
Rodrigues-Perrett Corporation
Status: Forfeited ID: F03375755
Company address is 6900 Phillips Highway, Ste. 21
Jacksonville Fl 32216
It was formed in
February 1992.
Rodrigues-Perrett Corporation is active on the market for 32 years, 10 months and 10 days
This company registered agent is The Corporation Trust Incorporated.
Rodrigues Contracting, Llc
Status: Forfeited ID: W12072484
Company address is 11800 Crestwood Avenue South
Brandywine Md 20613
It was formed in
August 2007.
Rodrigues Contracting, Llc is active on the market for 17 years, 4 months and 23 days
This company registered agent is Miguel Rodrigues.
Rodrigues Construction Company, Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: F03202702
Company address is 11103 Farm Rd.
Great Falls Va 22066
It was formed in
April 1991.
Rodrigues Construction Company, Inc. is active on the market for 33 years, 8 months and 11 days
This company registered agent is Miguel F. Ruiz.
Rodrigues Carpentry - Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: D10124436
Company address is 11344 Connecticut Ave.
Kensington Md 20895
It was formed in
July 2004.
Rodrigues Carpentry - Inc. is active on the market for 20 years, 5 months and 4 days
This company registered agent is Reginaldo Henrique Rodrigues.