Sumes companies in Maryland
List of Sumes business located in Maryland. We have found 2 companies.
Sumesh Potluri, D.M.D., M.S.D., P.C.
Status: Incorporated ID: D14184113
Company address is Suite 210
10750 Columbia Pike
Silver Spring Md 20901
It was formed in
June 2011.
Sumesh Potluri, D.M.D., M.S.D., P.C. is active on the market for 13 years, 6 months and 17 days
This company registered agent is Sumesh Potluri, D.M.D., M.S.D..
Sumes Corporation
Status: Forfeited ID: D02109296
Company address is 3600 Woodland Ave.
Baltimore City
Baltimore Md 21215
It was formed in
April 1986.
Sumes Corporation is active on the market for 38 years, 9 months and 5 days
This company registered agent is James H. Lee.