Terraqueous companies in Maryland
List of Terraqueous business located in Maryland. We have found 2 companies.
Terraqueous, Inc.
Status: DissolvedID: D03793312
Company address is Draper & Mcginley, Pa
365 West Patrick Street
Frederick Md 21701
It was formed in
December 1993.
Terraqueous, Inc. is active on the market for 31 years, 5 days
This company registered agent is Michael Mcginley, Cpa.
Terraqueous Enterprises Inc.
Status: IncorporatedID: D13120894
Company address is 20772 Old York Road
Parkton Md 21120
It was formed in
June 2009.
Terraqueous Enterprises Inc. is active on the market for 15 years, 5 months and 26 days
This company registered agent is Mark Gregory.