Violence companies in Maryland

List of Violence business located in Maryland. We have found 6 companies.

Violence Intervention And Community Empowerment Incorporated

Status: DissolvedID: D06806541

Company address is 3410 Auchentoroly Ter Ste 3 Baltimore Md 21217
It was formed in April 2002.
Violence Intervention And Community Empowerment Incorporated is active on the market for 22 years, 7 months and 24 days
This company registered agent is Michael H. Allen.

Violence Intervention And Community Empowerment Inc.

Status: ForfeitedID: D07510340

Company address is Suite 3 3410 Auchentoroly Terrace Baltimore Md 21217
It was formed in June 2003.
Violence Intervention And Community Empowerment Inc. is active on the market for 21 years, 5 months and 24 days
This company registered agent is Michael H. Allen.

Violence Hotline Center, Inc.

Status: ForfeitedID: D04889358

Company address is 236 Prince George Street Annapolis Md 21401
It was formed in January 1998.
Violence Hotline Center, Inc. is active on the market for 26 years, 11 months
This company registered agent is Lynn T. Krause, Esquire.

Violence Intervention Program (V.I.P.), Inc.

Status: DissolvedID: D07672728

Company address is Stc-Tbr-68 22 South Green St. Baltimore Md 21201
It was formed in November 2003.
Violence Intervention Program (V.I.P.), Inc. is active on the market for 21 years, 1 month and 1 day
This company registered agent is Dawn Eslinger.

Violence Intervention And Prevention, Inc.

Status: ForfeitedID: D05172200

Company address is 31677 Hideaway Drive Parsonsburg Md 21849
It was formed in December 1998.
Violence Intervention And Prevention, Inc. is active on the market for 26 years, 4 days
This company registered agent is Mary Kathryn Seifert.

Violence Prevention Group Llc

Status: ForfeitedID: W10692176

Company address is 113 Ridgely Avenue Annapolis Md 21401
It was formed in June 2005.
Violence Prevention Group Llc is active on the market for 19 years, 6 months and 7 days
This company registered agent is Dr. David Williamson.