Vitol companies in Maryland
List of Vitol business located in Maryland. We have found 4 companies.
Vitol Inc.
Status: Incorporated ID: F11593662
Company address is Ste. 5500
1100 Louisana
Houston Tx 77002-5255
It was formed in
November 2006.
Vitol Inc. is active on the market for 18 years, 1 month and 18 days
This company registered agent is The Corporation Trust Incorporated.
Vitol Resources Trading, Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: F01694371
Company address is C T Corporation System
100 West Tenth Street
Wilmington De 19801
It was formed in
March 1984.
Vitol Resources Trading, Inc. is active on the market for 40 years, 9 months and 2 days
Vitol Properties, Llc
Status: Forfeited ID: Z11375367
Company address is 114 W Mulberry St
Baltimore Md 21201
It was formed in
June 2006.
Vitol Properties, Llc is active on the market for 18 years, 5 months and 27 days
This company registered agent is Timmy Ogunbor.
Vitol S.A., Inc. A/K/A Vitol S.A.
Status: Dissolved ID: F04352324
Company address is Boulevard Du Pont D'Arve 28
1205 Geneva
It was formed in
March 1996.
Vitol S.A., Inc. A/K/A Vitol S.A. is active on the market for 28 years, 9 months and 18 days
This company registered agent is The Corporation Trust.