8370 B & A BLVD PASADENA MD 21122
GPS Coordinates: 39° 6' 30.1" N, 76° 33' 14.5" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at 8370 B & A BLVD PASADENA MD 21122 - 4 companies found at this address.
Kavj, Llc
Status: ForfeitedID: W11306313
Company address is 8370 B & A Blvd
Pasadena Md 21122
It was formed in
May 2006.
Kavj, Llc is active on the market for 18 years, 7 months and 5 days
This company registered agent is Kathryn Mclane.
Geis Enterprises, Llc
Status: ForfeitedID: W13898986
Company address is 8370 B & A Blvd.
Pasadena Md 21122
It was formed in
January 2011.
Geis Enterprises, Llc is active on the market for 13 years, 11 months and 19 days
This company registered agent is Adam Geis,.
Charm City Ice Inc.
Status: RevivedID: D10388692
Company address is 8370 B&A Blvd.
Pasadena Md 21122
It was formed in
January 2005.
Charm City Ice Inc. is active on the market for 19 years, 11 months and 19 days
This company registered agent is Kathryn Elisabeth Mclane.
Atlantic Mfg. Co. Llc
Status: ForfeitedID: W11390903
Company address is 8370 B & A Blvd.
Pasadena Md 21122
It was formed in
July 2006.
Atlantic Mfg. Co. Llc is active on the market for 18 years, 5 months and 18 days
This company registered agent is Vernon E. Geis, Jr..