GPS Coordinates: 39° 4' 29.1" N, 77° 6' 45.7" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at 2303 MC AULIFFE DRIVE ROCKVILLE MD 20851 - 7 companies found at this address.
2054 Griffis Ave, Llc
Status: ForfeitedID: W13024591
Company address is 2303 Mc Auliffe Drive
Rockville Md 20851
It was formed in
April 2009.
2054 Griffis Ave, Llc is active on the market for 15 years, 7 months and 26 days
This company registered agent is John A. Bernate.
1017 Bayard St, Llc
Status: ForfeitedID: W13024583
Company address is 2303 Mc Auliffe Drive
Rockville Md 20851
It was formed in
April 2009.
1017 Bayard St, Llc is active on the market for 15 years, 7 months and 26 days
This company registered agent is John A. Bernate.
823 Washington Blvd, Llc
Status: ForfeitedID: W13024609
Company address is 2303 Mc Auliffe Drive
Rockville Md 20851
It was formed in
April 2009.
823 Washington Blvd, Llc is active on the market for 15 years, 7 months and 26 days
This company registered agent is John A. Bernate.
719 Carroll St, Llc
Status: ForfeitedID: W13024617
Company address is 2303 Mc Auliffe Drive
Rockville Md 20851
It was formed in
April 2009.
719 Carroll St, Llc is active on the market for 15 years, 7 months and 26 days
This company registered agent is John A. Bernate.
Epimetheus Corporation
Status: ForfeitedID: F02882132
Company address is 2303 Mcauliffe Drive
Rockville Md 20851
It was formed in
October 1989.
Epimetheus Corporation is active on the market for 35 years, 2 months and 20 days
This company registered agent is Ronald J. Gregory.
Environmental & Demolition Services, Inc.
Status: ForfeitedID: D04937553
Company address is 2303 Mcauliffe Drive
Rockville Md 20851
It was formed in
March 1998.
Environmental & Demolition Services, Inc. is active on the market for 26 years, 9 months and 9 days
This company registered agent is Alonso Bernate.
All Service Corporation, Inc.
Status: ForfeitedID: D05363411
Company address is 2303 Mcauliffe Drive
Rockville Md 20851
It was formed in
June 1999.
All Service Corporation, Inc. is active on the market for 25 years, 6 months and 3 days
This company registered agent is Beatriz Elena Bernate.