GPS Coordinates: 38° 15' 36.7" N, 75° 16' 40.9" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at 8737 NEWARK ROAD NEWARK MD 21841 - 2 companies found at this address.
Up & Adam Lawn Care, Inc.
Status: IncorporatedID: D14181903
Company address is 8737 Newark Road
Newark Md 21841
It was formed in
June 2011.
Up & Adam Lawn Care, Inc. is active on the market for 13 years, 6 months and 2 days
This company registered agent is S. James Sarbanes.
Tropical Foliage, Inc.
Status: ForfeitedID: D14181960
Company address is 8737 Newark Road
Newark Md 21841
It was formed in
June 2011.
Tropical Foliage, Inc. is active on the market for 13 years, 6 months and 2 days
This company registered agent is S. James Sarbanes.