P.O. BOX 1464 FREDERICK MD 21701
GPS Coordinates: 39° 24' 51.4" N, 77° 24' 37.9" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at P.O. BOX 1464 FREDERICK MD 21701 - 2 companies found at this address.
Contrex, Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: D00838698
Company address is P.O. Box 1464
Frederick Md 21701
It was formed in
February 1978.
Contrex, Inc. is active on the market for 46 years, 10 months and 29 days
This company registered agent is Morris Topf.
Ankerbonder International, Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: D00809608
Company address is P.O. Box 1464
Frederick Md 21701
It was formed in
November 1977.
Ankerbonder International, Inc. is active on the market for 47 years, 1 month and 9 days
This company registered agent is Morris Topf.