GPS Coordinates: 39° 16' 22" N, 76° 31' 59.4" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at 6618 HOLABIRD AVE. BALTIMORE MD 21224 - 2 companies found at this address.
Medco Medical Support & Services Inc.
Status: ForfeitedID: D11280419
Company address is 6618 Holabird Ave.
Baltimore Md 21224
It was formed in
May 2006.
Medco Medical Support & Services Inc. is active on the market for 18 years, 7 months and 13 days
This company registered agent is Gerere Greg Deinma.
Holabird Early Learning Center Llc
Status: ForfeitedID: W13549480
Company address is 6618 Holabird Ave.
Baltimore Md 21224
It was formed in
May 2010.
Holabird Early Learning Center Llc is active on the market for 14 years, 7 months and 18 days
This company registered agent is Charlonda James.