GPS Coordinates: 39° 18' 60" N, 76° 38' 4.5" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at 815 DRUID PARK LAKE DRIVE BALTIMORE MD 21217 - 5 companies found at this address.
Jack S. Properties, Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: D02434223
Company address is 815 Druid Park Lake Drive
Baltimore Md 21217
It was formed in
October 1987.
Jack S. Properties, Inc. is active on the market for 37 years, 2 months and 13 days
This company registered agent is Sidney Sakols.
Jefferson Properties, Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: D02434256
Company address is 815 Druid Park Lake Drive
Baltimore Md 21217
It was formed in
October 1987.
Jefferson Properties, Inc. is active on the market for 37 years, 2 months and 13 days
This company registered agent is Sidney Sakols.
Lake Drive Properties, Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: D02434264
Company address is 815 Druid Park Lake Drive
Baltimore Md 21217
It was formed in
October 1987.
Lake Drive Properties, Inc. is active on the market for 37 years, 2 months and 13 days
This company registered agent is Sidney Sakols.
The Modern Home Improvement Company
Status: Forfeited ID: D00154401
Company address is 815 Druid Park Lake Drive
Baltimore Md 21217
It was formed in
September 1934.
The Modern Home Improvement Company is active on the market for 90 years, 3 months and 23 days
This company registered agent is Sidney Sakols.
Brookfield Properties, Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: D02434249
Company address is 815 Druid Park Lake Drive
Baltimore Md 21217
It was formed in
October 1987.
Brookfield Properties, Inc. is active on the market for 37 years, 2 months and 13 days
This company registered agent is Sidney Sakols.