GPS Coordinates: 39° 3' 5.1" N, 77° 4' 20.5" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at 11920 CENTERHILL ST WHEATON MD 20902 - 2 companies found at this address.
"A" Medical & Sanitary Supplies Llc
Status: Forfeited ID: W14969505
Company address is 11920 Centerhill St
Wheaton Md 20902
It was formed in
December 2012.
"A" Medical & Sanitary Supplies Llc is active on the market for 12 years, 26 days
This company registered agent is Asiatu Serry.
Kongor Entertainment Llc
Status: Forfeited ID: W15735905
Company address is 11920 Center Hill St
Wheaton Md 20902
It was formed in
March 2014.
Kongor Entertainment Llc is active on the market for 10 years, 9 months and 15 days
This company registered agent is Alusine Kamara.