GPS Coordinates: 38° 59' 24.2" N, 77° 5' 49.3" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at 4844 CORDELL AVENUE BETHESDA MD 20814 - 2 companies found at this address.
Cottonwood Cafe, Ltd.
Status: ForfeitedID: D03178605
Company address is 4844 Cordell Avenue
Bethesda Md 20814
It was formed in
March 1991.
Cottonwood Cafe, Ltd. is active on the market for 33 years, 9 months and 16 days
This company registered agent is Rupen K. Joshi.
Cottonwood Ranch, Ltd.
Status: ForfeitedID: D04670527
Company address is 4844 Cordell Avenue
Bethesda Md 20814
It was formed in
April 1997.
Cottonwood Ranch, Ltd. is active on the market for 27 years, 8 months and 3 days
This company registered agent is Gerald K. Gimmel.