SUITE 114-249 9812 FALLS ROAD POTOMAC MD 20854
GPS Coordinates: 39° 1' 2" N, 77° 12' 38.5" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at SUITE 114-249 9812 FALLS ROAD POTOMAC MD 20854 - 3 companies found at this address.
Dcsdw Limited Liability Company
Status: Active ID: W05725049
Company address is Suite 114-249
9812 Falls Road
Potomac Md 20854
It was formed in
March 2000.
Dcsdw Limited Liability Company is active on the market for 24 years, 9 months and 9 days
This company registered agent is William Andrew Callahan.
Ds Darnestown, Limited Liability Company
Status: Forfeited ID: W07848609
Company address is Suite 114-249
9812 Falls Road
Potomac Md 20854
It was formed in
March 2004.
Ds Darnestown, Limited Liability Company is active on the market for 20 years, 9 months and 6 days
This company registered agent is William Andrew Callahan.
Callahan Development Corporation
Status: Incorporated ID: D04078192
Company address is Suite 114-249
9812 Falls Road
Potomac Md 20854
It was formed in
February 1995.
Callahan Development Corporation is active on the market for 29 years, 10 months and 6 days
This company registered agent is W. Andrew Callahan, Ii.