10404 43RD AVE BELTSVILLE MD 20705

GPS Coordinates: 39° 1' 56.6" N, 76° 55' 31.9" W

List of Companies

List of companies registered at 10404 43RD AVE BELTSVILLE MD 20705 - 3 companies found at this address.

Tech4Ed Foundation, Ltd.

Status: ForfeitedID: D13936059

Company address is 10404 43Rd Ave Beltsville Md 20705
It was formed in January 2011.
Tech4Ed Foundation, Ltd. is active on the market for 13 years, 10 months and 23 days
This company registered agent is Karl Ginter.

Technology Resources Group, Ltd.

Status: ForfeitedID: D04939336

Company address is 10404 43Rd. Ave. Beltsville Md 20705
It was formed in March 1998.
Technology Resources Group, Ltd. is active on the market for 26 years, 9 months and 8 days
This company registered agent is Karl L. Ginter.

Ginter Odd Jobs, Inc.

Status: ForfeitedID: D03754744

Company address is 10404 43Rd Ave Beltsville Md 20705
It was formed in October 1993.
Ginter Odd Jobs, Inc. is active on the market for 31 years, 2 months and 7 days
This company registered agent is Karl L Ginter.
