3410 N HIGH ST OLNEY MD 20832
GPS Coordinates: 39° 9' 3.8" N, 77° 4' 3.1" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at 3410 N HIGH ST OLNEY MD 20832 - 4 companies found at this address.
North High Street, Llc
Status: Forfeited ID: W12281945
Company address is 3410 N High St
Olney Md 20832
It was formed in
December 2007.
North High Street, Llc is active on the market for 17 years, 14 days
This company registered agent is Alan Wandell.
The Rollings Group Llc
Status: Forfeited ID: W13192935
Company address is 3410 N High St
Olney Md 20832
It was formed in
August 2009.
The Rollings Group Llc is active on the market for 15 years, 4 months and 8 days
This company registered agent is Michael Rollings And Marguerite Rollings.
Show And Sell Realty Llc
Status: Forfeited ID: W13192943
Company address is 3410 N High St
Olney Md 20832
It was formed in
August 2009.
Show And Sell Realty Llc is active on the market for 15 years, 4 months and 8 days
This company registered agent is Bradley Branch.
Avr Management Llc
Status: Forfeited ID: W13192950
Company address is 3410 N. High St.
Olney Md 20832
It was formed in
August 2009.
Avr Management Llc is active on the market for 15 years, 4 months and 8 days
This company registered agent is Wendy Friedman.