GPS Coordinates: 39° 10' 23.1" N, 77° 9' 17.6" WList of Companies
List of companies registered at 7540 RICKENBACKER DRIVE GAITHERSBURG MD 20879 - 3 companies found at this address.
Potomac 370 Llc
Status: Active ID: W15636707
Company address is 7540 Rickenbacker Drive
Gaithersburg Md 20879
It was formed in
January 2014.
Potomac 370 Llc is active on the market for 10 years, 11 months and 7 days
This company registered agent is United States Corporation Agents, Inc..
Union Atlantic Corporation
Status: Forfeited ID: D02862977
Company address is 7540 Rickenbacker Drive
Gaithersburg Md 20879
It was formed in
September 1989.
Union Atlantic Corporation is active on the market for 35 years, 3 months and 22 days
This company registered agent is David A. Pless.
Allied Atlantic Signs, Inc.
Status: Forfeited ID: D02863413
Company address is 7540 Rickenbacker Drive
Gaithersburg Md 20879
It was formed in
September 1989.
Allied Atlantic Signs, Inc. is active on the market for 35 years, 3 months and 22 days
This company registered agent is David A. Pless.